Handcrafted Wine
Bonitata Boutique Wine has been serving the Sacramento and Sierra Foothills for over 10 years at its Auburn location. Located in the historic Bernhard Museum complex in the Old Stone Winery building. We pride ourselves on small-lot handcrafted wines. Now with our second location in the Old Sugar Mill Boiler Room located in Clarksburg California you can enjoy our wines just south of Sacramento.
The winery building was built in 1874 by Mr. Bernhard as a winery. At the time he had around 35 Acres of grapes. The building has two foot thick walls and at the back is Buried 15 ft Underground. Making this an ideal building for winemaking and Storage temperatures fluctuate between 50 and 70 degrees. This building is our main production facility and our barrel storage area. In the front of the building is our tasting bar. So if you are visiting the winery you will be among the equipment and the barrels. If you also would like you could take a tour of the house and Bernhard's old production facility which is behind the house. Bernhard connected the two buildings via a tunnel which goes under the house and then into the cellar. Parking is located in the Museum parking lot a short walk away.
Our second location is at the Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg California. The Sugar Mill is located about 15 minutes south of Sacramento. We are located in the second building called The Boiler Room. Proceed through the main building come outside and make a right and go into the second building. This is a very Lively tasting bar and is only open on the weekends Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m